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ISSA Rochester Chapter

April 2019 ISSA Chapter Meeting

Join the local Rochester ISSA chapter for dinner from the Dinosaur BBQ as well as a presentation by Tevora’s Managing Director, Cloud Security, Christopher Callas!

Admission is free for current ISSA members and $20 for non-members or expired members. Space is limited so please RSVP.

Where: Nixon Peabody, 1300 Clinton Square, 14th floor (free parking underneath the building, bring the ticket to the meeting for validation)
When: Thursday, April 25th, 6:00 PM
(Please RSVP to by Tuesday, April 23rd.)

Special Presentation: Reducing the Attack Surface (AWS)

Christopher Callas, Tevora

As managing director of cloud security at Tevora, Christopher Callas is responsible for leading various areas of specialization within information security, including reviewing and implementing new security tools, coordinating incident response, performing penetration tests, conducting forensics, and working to ensure regulatory compliance. Working hand in hand with clients to develop and strengthen their security and compliance programs, Christopher specializes in cloud architecture, tokenization, encryption, PCI, PA-DSS, and P2PE assessments, with extensive experience in leading HIPAA, HITRUST, NIST, and ISO security assessments. Christopher earned a degree in Computational Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his current certifications include PCI QSA, PA-QSA, as well as a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

Please RSVP to by Tuesday, April 23rd to reserve your seat at this exciting event.