July 2017 ISSA Chapter Meeting
Join Security Compass as they host an evening with both the Rochester ISSA and OWASP chapters and discuss How Billion Dollar Enterprises Manage Application Security at Scale, presented by Altaz Valani, Research Director.
Where: Nixon Peabody, 1300 Clinton Square, 14th floor (free parking underneath the building, bring the ticket to the meeting for validation)
When: Thursday, July 13th, 6:00 PM (Please RSVP to john.king@owasp.org by Monday, July 10th.)
Special Presentation: How Billion Dollar Enterprises Manage Application Security at Scale
Security Compass recently completed a comprehensive research study by surveying companies across multiple industries with the goal of discovering how large, complex organizations address application security at scale. The majority of respondents surveyed were multinational organizations who reported annual earnings greater than $1 billion USD. Through this new research study, we have gleamed novel insights on how large organizations manage application security at scale. Through this presentation, we will reveal aggregated insights, industry trends, and best practices that illuminate how organizations are addressing application security at scale, so that you may apply and compare these learnings to the state of application security at your own organization.
Altaz Valani, Research Director, Security Compass

Altaz enjoys coding, teaching, and the challenge of learning. He received his BEng in Computer Engineering from McMaster University, and his MBA from the University of Western Ontario.
Please RSVP to john.king@owasp.org by Monday, July 10th to reserve your seat at this exciting event.